Comments on: How Kickstarter Killed the Completionist in Me Board Game Reviews, News and More Mon, 01 Apr 2024 15:44:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sean Tea Mon, 01 Apr 2024 15:44:52 +0000 The FOMO+early bird trend was definitely annoying, especially when those promo cards are only available for the folks who backed in the first 48 hours.

To combat this personally, any time I see a campaign where I’m on the fence–which is happening pretty frequently these days–I just save the campaign, to get the reminder notification when it’s down to its last 48 hours.

If I haven’t been thinking about the game in the interim, or if I’m not completely sold on it at that point, I usually take a pass on the game entirely, and “wait for retail.”

So far, my life doesn’t feel incomplete without any game I’ve taken a pass on.

By: Paul's blog of random musings Thu, 03 Mar 2022 15:49:10 +0000 i just got FOMO’d with Black Rose wars, added on a few bits and then just got stung for a stupid amount of carriage, charges which i know are expensive at the moment but i could have shipped a grand piano for less. it wont’ be happening again. i shall be reading any future KS or GF campaigns very very carefully.

By: Michael C. Thu, 10 Feb 2022 22:04:48 +0000 I have also reached this point. I have stopped backing Kickstarter/Game Found projects a few years ago and I am still waiting on some things to come in. I am getting much more picky about what games I do buy and have stopped getting expansions for the most part until I know that I’ll play with it more.

By: Mikey Kliss Sun, 06 Feb 2022 14:09:55 +0000 I completely agree with thos feeling. I’m currently fighting it myself. Cmon has cool stuff but the price point for everything is just so high. The FOMO is tough though.

By: Jim Stevenson Tue, 01 Feb 2022 18:45:26 +0000 The scary thing is that $410 isn’t even the all-in for the Marvel Zombies KS! I am guessing that it will be close to $700 🙁

By: JerreMuesli Tue, 01 Feb 2022 07:10:58 +0000 I don’t really care about KS. I have finished around 4 or so but they will also be my last ones. The whole KS feeling is just not enjoyable. I love browsing a shop and buying a game that I can play that same week or month and I actually hate it when I put money into something that will probably get in about a year and a half. From my experience, the trade-off is also quite bad bad compared to buying the retail version after the reviews have been published. You don’t get a better game if you have 5 additional cards and some upgraded tokens.

By: Kosteri x Mon, 31 Jan 2022 19:37:20 +0000 For me it’s just a phase. Once I was into pnp addons, the kind you have to build yourself. Then the FOMO hit me. I’m way beyond that, I only back a handful of kickstarters but I have a long list of potentially cool ones that might be something but I leave the figuring out to others.

I got the promos at a premium for Santorini, and when selling I found out that nobody would pay for the promos.So that’s done.

Most projects really aren’t that good, or the designer has no clue about the balance between randomization and agency that I’m done with it before the window closes. I have never paid for a game mat, I might just for the heck of it with Skytear Horde.

I got MD from CMON at secondary market for $45 inc shipping, built a ton of content for it, and then found out it won’t hit the table. The heroes have no incentive to enter any dungeon. I just saw heaps of plastic. There has to be a story that the designer put in there, procedurally generated world are just a piece of crap that never works. Tried a bunch but it’s not for me.

I usually buy expansions if they are small, for example Jagged Alliance, Roll Camera, The Phantom etc.For the rest just base game and no minis thank you very much. Zerywia had no mini option so I had to resort to paint the minis. But minis can break. Arms and other appendages can get lost. I don’t like the idea.

By: Harry Hole Gold Sat, 29 Jan 2022 20:50:56 +0000 In reply to GrumpyOldGuy.

I have it as well, but it was simply cheaper than Galactus. I doubt I would do it again as we haven’t gotten through everything I backed yet. We have played all the old ones and season 1 though.

By: Harry Hole Gold Sat, 29 Jan 2022 20:49:22 +0000 Interesting what is the limit for some folks. I stopped caring about promos about 2 years ago, but still prefer the old KS all in.

I think some publishers, like Matagot seem to get it. KS gets you early access and cheaper pricing, but everything can be had directly from them. Anyone that skips the exclusives will definitely have my attention. Also I am fine with direct sales from the company as that also works.

By: GrumpyOldGuy Sat, 29 Jan 2022 13:59:28 +0000 Nothing can kill the completionist disorder syndrome in me… Yes, I’m looking at you – giant Cthulhu megature!
