Game Reviews
Ancient Knowledge and Heritage Expansion Review
It’s pretty rare when a game introduces a new mechanism into a tried and true format. Think about a tableau builder. You place cards...
Super Snipers Review
The year is 2484 and 80% of the Earth’s surface is uninhabitable from the last Great War. Surviving colonies fight over what resources are...
Runemasters Review
If it was my job to come up with board game titles, and I wanted to name a fantasy game while giving as little...
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Board Game Review
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a cult classic horror movie and the folks at Trick or Treat Studios have captured the frantic action of...
Rolling Realms Redux Review
Back in 2021, fellow BGQ reviewer and all around swell guy James reviewed the roll and write board game Rolling Realms. Published by Stonemaier...
Finca Review
My first play of Finca came in 2018 at BGG CON. It was one of those rare out-of-print titles folks “in the know” fawned...
Primal: The Awakenings Expansion Reviews
I loved Primal: The Awakening, which I recently reviewed here. It is an amazing card-driven, cooperative boss battler with great monsters and a unique...