Digital Board Game Reviews
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Quarriors! iPad Review
Before Dominion erupted onto the board gaming scene, using deck building in board games wasn’t a popular mechanic. After Dominion's popularity exploded, it seemed...
Fort Sumter Digital Review
When it comes to Civil War board gaming, my experience is fairly light. I still have a copy of Freedom: The Underground Railroad (which...
Cahoots iOS Review
If there is a concept in card games that just about everyone is familiar with, it’s probably trick taking games. I’d wager just about...
Tides of Time iOS Review
Back in 2015, publisher Portal Games brought us the innovative card drafting game, Tides of Time. This two-player only game was a set collection...
Shards of Infinity iOS Review
One of the first games to introduce us to the "center row deckbuilder" style of game was Ascension. While I thought the game was...
Pandemic iPad Review
Pandemic is one of the best co-op games out on the market today. The accessibility and amount of fun players have playing it, despite...
Lotus iOS review
The summer of 2016 brought us the annual Gen Con gaming convention and with it, hordes of new board games to play. One of...