Quest Lists
Home Quest Lists
The Best Games of 2022… So Far!
The year is half(ish) over and so that means it’s time for Board Game Quest’s picks for the best new games we’ve played thus...
The Most Relaxing Board Games
Your gaming group has just completed a lengthy and tense campaign. There were miniatures around every corner of terrain which had been laid out...
Best Board Games of 2021… So Far
2021 has trucked along and while we haven't quite gotten back to normal yet, things are still worlds better than they were at this...
Most Anticipated Board Games of 2021
2021 is here and with it comes the promise of new gaming goodness. It's still too soon to tell if we'll have board game...
Most Anticipated Board Games of 2022
2022 is in full swing and with a new year, comes new games! Every January the BGQ crew looks ahead to potential new board...
The Best App-Assisted Board Games
There seems to be a polarization of app-assisted board games. Some people can't get enough of them, while others want nothing to do with...
Best Dueling Games that Aren’t Magic: The Gathering
Games bring people together. Whether it’s a cooperative experience or a competitive one, playing a game with friends or strangers is a bonding experience....